CPOC Partners with CHCA

CHCA: California Health Coalition Advocacy

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Hey there!

The mission of Concerned Parents of California PAC (CPOC) is to protect family rights and autonomy. CPOC would like to invite its members to join California Health Coalition Advocacy (CHCA) in its impactful work fighting to protect our parental rights and civil liberties.

Join CHCA to push for legislation to protect civil liberties of all Californians during times of crisis. This legislation would protect a minor child from being forcibly removed from their parent or home in the event of an infection or exposure to an infectious disease.

CHCA needs constituent support to get this legislation adopted.


step one

Read the Bill

CHCA is working to protect your civil liberties in California during times of emergency. They have drafted legislation for proposal. Some of the main points include: 

  • Right to refuse testing, tracing and treatment 

  • Infected person’s right to self-quarantine with caretaker, location, and treatment of choice 

  • A minor child may not be forcibly removed from their parent or home 

  • Right to information


step two

Sign the Petition

Please support CHCA's bill to protect parental rights during emergencies and infectious disease outbreaks by signing the petition below.


step three


Help spread the message throughout California about the need to protect civil liberties during times of crisis.



“Liberty, once lost, is lost forever.”
– John Adams

Special thanks to California Health Coalition Advocacy for its tireless efforts in creating and advocating for legislative campaigns to protect our civil liberties.

OUR MISSION: To protect the rights and autonomy of the parents of California so we can make decisions regarding our childrens' health and education.

A. H.Comment